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Explaining the Person-centred plan of a particular student with dyslexia

I happen to know a child who has dyslexia, and I have asked his parents to explain to me how is his condition adressed in his school.

The school has elaborated for this kid a Person-centred plan (PCP) of the methodological type, which means that it is changed the methodology of working and the evaluation criteria of the different subjects. This plan had to apply at a principle at all the subjects, but actually it is only applying at some of these, how is the case of the language subjects and mathematics.

The PCP establishes that the exams of each subject must have a single question for each page and the letter size has to be bigger, so he can read it better. Regarding the homework, he is allowed not to copy the questions of the exercises, although he does the same amount of work as the rest of his classmates.

Entering more in detail, he has specific adaptations for each subject:

  1. Language subjects: all the oral dictations have to be prepared before and must have less words than the rest of his classmates. Likewise, the evaluation criteria are different, since some of the spelling mistakes are not discounted to him.

  2. Mathematics: he always must have a single exercise at each sheet. It is also permitted to him to have the multiplication tables at his disposition.

  3. English: he has the option of doing oral exams instead of writing exams. If has to write, he is allowed to write the words such as how they are pronounced, without discounting him the spelling mistakes. In the case of not understanding the questions, it is required to translate them to him.

At last, regarding the writings and other assignments, he is allowed to do them always with the computer, so the spelling mistakes are avoided.

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