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Movement and motor development.

Movement is an intrinsic ability of animals and involves the muscular system, the nervous system and the perceptual system.

The motor development of the child occurs according to the following laws: cephalocaudal law, proximodistal law and law of flexors and extensors.

1. Cephalocaudal law:

The evolution of motor development goes from the upper body to the lower. Ex. The baby controls the movements of the head before the movements of the feet.

2. Proxodistal law:

The evolution of motor development occurs from the part closest to the central axis of the body to the farthest part. That is, the baby will control the movement of the arms before the movement of the hands, and the movement of the hands before the movement of the fingers.

3. Law of flexors and extensors In the evolution of the process of motor development, they are first called the flexor muscles and then the extensors.


The maturation of the nervous system enables motor development. Motor development begins with the performance of reflex and involuntary acts up to the execution of intentional and, then, automatic movements. This is part of kinetic muscle activity.

1. Reflex movements

Reflex movements are spontaneous and involuntary motor responses to an external stimulus. They are regulated from the spinal cord and sometimes from the brainstem.The main reflexes of the newborn are:

  • Respiratory reflex. It occurs immediately after birth.

  • Suction reflex. The contact of the lips with some object produces a rhythmic movement of suction

  • Reflection of the cardinal points. Excitement around the lips causes a rotation of the head.

  • Grasping reflex. If we stimulate the baby's hand, he flexes his fingers and presses hard on the stimulus.

  • Static straightening reflex. Tendency to stretch the lower limbs.

  • Automatic gear reflex. The baby produces a movement of the legs and feet.

  • Babinski's reflex. When you touch the sole of your foot, it bends inward, and your toes open.

  • Moorish reflection or arms crossed. The baby feels a strong blow and abruptly separates his arms.

Other reflexes of the baby that do not disappear definitively are:

Swallowing, caused by food contact with the tongue or pharynx.

The yawn, which indicates the baby's fatigue·

Sneezing, a protective element of the respiratory system.

The hiccup, which is a convulsive movement of the diaphragm, accompanied by movements of head, jaw and tongue.

2. Voluntary movements

Voluntary movements are those that are carried out intentionally. You have to be very careful in the beginning to do them as you have to coordinate several muscles. Then in the course of life these movements are transformed into automatic.They are controlled from the cerebral cortex and the pyramidal system.

3. Automatic movements

Automatic movements are voluntary movements that have become habits. They are intentional but run without thinking. They are controlled from the extrapyramidal system.



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