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Foto del escritorAnna Mestres

Perspectives on the Role of the Educational Psychologist

This article addresses the different perspectives of the role of the school psychologist in order to understand and act in the most correct way, which begins taking into account the needs of all people in the educational system and the multiple existing realities, both with students with their different difficulties, as with teachers, other professionals and the family in the form of counseling. They call this the operating principle of the intervention.

These perspectives are:

  • paradigmatic perspective

  • historical perspective

  • political-technical perspective

  • academic-formative perspective

  • educational reality perspective

This ordering principle allows the educational psychologist to lead the socio-educational teams and the validation by the actors of the system regarding the performance in the same system. In addition, it is adapted to the reality of each specific educational community, taking into account the expectations and needs of each person.

Finally, the need for a change of vision in all the people who participate in the educational community and of the psychologists themselves in the conception of their role in the school for their better contribution and performance is concluded.


Barraza López, R. (2015). Perspectivas acerca del rol del psicólogo educacional: propuesta orientadora de su actuación en el ámbito escolar. Actualidades investigativas en Educación, 15(3), 590-610.

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