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The TEACCH Approach

My classmate Marta first talked about this approach in her post which I will link here ( . I would like to talk a bit more about it and share a video that our teacher facilitated to us in class (

The TEACCH Approach consists on clear and differenciated spaces where different types of learning take place. With this, we give the child with ASD structure and boundries that help them know when and where to do certain tasks.

In each space, pictures and visual timetables help them know which task to do first, which second, and where to put the finished work so it doesn't get lost or confused with unfinished work.

With a system like this, the child has a clear structure and routine/schedule, two things that are vital to maintain the ASD student engaged and less likely to throw tantrums and other forms of showing discomfort.

Personally, I think the video is of great help to have a clear image of what the TEACCH Approach is, and I would also recommend reading the post by my classmate Marta.

I hope this post is of use and gives you a broader idea of the TEACCH approach.

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