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Are Catalonia and Spain inclusive?

Actualizado: 28 oct 2020

Today I tried to answer this question to myself searching evidences. The answer? No, they aren’t.

On the 2018, the commission United Nations Human Rights of the United States denounced the repeated breach that Spain does about the article 24 of the ONU Convention, which regulates the rights of students with disabilities:

During the period of time that, supposedly, the law was in force, Spain continued with the educational system that excludes that entire people that have psychosocial or intellectual difficulties. Instead of trying to do an inclusive system, all we do is sending all those child with different difficulties into Special Education Centres, without considering all that could affect to him/her, like having to go to a centre which is far from home, because, furthermore we don’t really have a lot of Special Education Centres.

We aren’t providing them the capacity to decide about their future, we are stealing that from them and that’s not human. Spain has the major percentage of leaving school of the European Union, which is in a big part, because of the non-inclusive system that is running nowadays. In Spain is still legal leaving a child without inclusive education, which for me, is the same as leaving a child without education because if it is not inclusive it means that is not education for everyone. Also in Catalonia we are excluding about an 88% of child with diversity.

On the denouncement they state that all these child that receive adapted learning, finish school like the other child but they don’t receive the same curriculum and the same degree, they are seen like if they have a lower level, so here is another reason to say that Spain is not inclusive.

The Spanish system has a tendency to attribute the learning difficulties to the students themselves and the support policies are really few. We still use an overly clinical model that makes really difficult the possibility of equal and inclusive education.

This is not a discussion post, it is only informational, the aim of it, is to get us conscious about where we live and about how our system acts. I really encourage you to read those articles because they made me see how really Spain is acting about the inclusive education thing. They made me think a lot and I hope they make you thing to, they have a lot more information than what I have exposed so there’s a lot to say yet.

In addition, I would like to show one article called "Una niña con el 78% de discapacidad solo recibe 50 minutos de apoyo escolar" from La Vanguardia that shows us a case as an example of what Claudia has explained. Yesterday, 28/10/2020 La Vanguardia was a part to interview and divulgate how the schools aren't prepared for this type of cases. Emma Joana has 5 years old and she was born with the spina bífida. She doesn't have any problems with the cognitive system, her own problem is her reduce mobility, for example she can walk with walker but just short distances that's why she's in a wheelchair. La Vanguardia asks to public: "The decree on inclusive schools in Catalonia states that "minors and adolescents with disabilities have the right to enjoy the educational system under the same conditions as other students". Does it comply?"

Furthermore, mother of Emma Joana explained how was last years, since she was 3 years old. The first year her mother has to passed all the time in the school with her daughter, the following year the family were lucky bc one nurse could stay with Emma Joana. Last year, Noemí and Ruben, parents of Emma Joana started to made an inclusive school: adapting children's playgrounds and elimination of architectural barriers. Despite all of this, Emma Joana is only entitled to 50 minutes of school support but with her needs it's like 10 minutes.

I let u the link here:

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