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ASSISTIVE TECH is a company founded by the Ted Talker of the video I present in this entry. Their goal is to develop technology that can be useful to people with autism because, as the speaker comments in the TedTalk, there are hunderds of applications in the appstore that say "for kids with autism", but then the reality is that they don't improve at all the life of the kid.

She proposes an app that would give the kid a calendar, a task-list that would help him or her to anticipate, to predict the activities that will happen during the day, which is a huge help for kids with ASD because they need to have very strict routines and are sensible to change. That same app would give him/her feedback when a task was completed, in order to keep the interest and attention. Ultimately, it would also collect data of their heart rate to help the parents know when their kid is getting anxious or upset, to prevent the tantrum or crisis before it happens.

Sadly, I couldn't find if the actual app was ever deveopled. I searched for the name of the company and their founders but no information about it came up.

I made this post in order to dig in deeper in the topic I started with my first post ( and I thought this video was interesting, even if it never became an app itself, because what the speaker proposes can help teachers, psychologists or parents to know how to help the kid (by giving him/her a clear routine, feedback and to know how to prevent tantrums or what can cause a tantrum).

I hope it has given you something to think about or some ideas to help if you have a kid with ASD in your life.

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